Questionnaire Flight Crew Perspective on Extended Minimum Crew Operations

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Questionnaire Flight Crew Perspective on Extended Minimum Crew Operations

Post by luchtzak »

I 'm Lars, currently doing a bachelor in aviation sciences with major airline pilot at Vives, Ostend. Together with 2 other students, we are currently writing our thesis about Extended Minimum Crew Operations (More information on this can be found in the questionnaire)
As you might have probably heard, EASA is researching if it's possible by 2027 to fly long haul flights with only 2 crew on board, instead of augmented crew now, which would compose a lot of safety risks.

In our research, we want to investigate and include the current public opinion on this subject. It would be a great if aviation24 shared this questionnaire, and maybe shared a news article about this subject, since its a hot topic at the moment. This is the link to the questionairre:

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Kind regards

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