Last election of Belgium

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Last election of Belgium

Post by chornedsnorkack »

Bart de Wever has declared that Belgium should have no more general elections. And he is likely to win.

How do you plan to govern Belgium after elections?

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

You have obviously
-) paid too much attention to French-language media
-) posted in the wrong forum.

Both errors, both forgivable...

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

BTW, where did you learn about De Wever's ideas about future elections? I tried the sites of several Belgian newspapers, but found mostly football ("soccer", for US-participants), and nothing about this...?
Funny how the vandalism on Flemish symbols in Voeren ("Fourons") is much more prominent in the French-language media!
Most interesting I found the comment from our smallest group, the German-speakers: ... 2694DC8612} is really worth perusing.

PS Mods can we really? REALLY?

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by luchtzak »

Discussions are allowed until the webteam decides otherwise ;-)

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

Well, if we can proceed I will proceed, with due care... Report final, Luchtzak Tower?

This afternoon I took a tour on bike, passing along EBGB where a beautiful Yak-52 stood hooded up for the night - HA-YAK if memory serves - and had a nice chat with a foreign spotter who even hadn't realised we were having elections. Enough said?

OK, on the way home against northeastern winds I stopped at several inns. most of these have big TV screens these days. Now just guess what, not a single one was showing elections or politics or comments, ALL were showing football. The one exception showed pigeon-racing results, yes that remains popular in rural Flanders, though it is on the decline.

Main conclusion: elections? Who cares? Beer and football, that's what we want!

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

chornedsnorkack wrote:Bart de Wever has declared that Belgium should have no more general elections.
I am still waiting for confirmation on this one!
Or could you admit you only naively echoed some pathetic rumour?

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

I always want to be correct.
Zaventem is a part of Flanders. ( the people of Brussels shouldn't complain because they wanted that the airport moved further away from Evere near their houses to the farmland in Flemish Zaventem )

So the national airport is on Flemish soil and depends for several subjects on Flemish legislation .
( noise reduction, employment office VDAB e.g. )
But when we look at the election result we see that the francophone MR has most votes, just a bit more than NVA. ... e/zaventem

Any outsider would say: this is an impossible situation.
We Belgians know better. We say: Yes , it is impossible but we keep on going with this situation.
The result is that we are one of the most prosperous, peaceful nations in the world.

And anyhow, regional nationalism becomes obsolete when the MP's get the taste of the European cake.

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

seems there is something wrong with the statistics at Zaventem...

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by chornedsnorkack »

This time I checked there is a quotable source. Laurette Onkelinx informs us that Belgium shall break up: ... en-up.html

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

You really seem to have some problem reading the words as they stand. The lady merely said everybody should be PREPARED just in case... She certainly did not announce the end of this country.
And of course it is always a wise thing to be prepared for anything that could go wrong. Aviators should know!

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

chornedsnorkack wrote:This time I checked there is a quotable source. Laurette Onkelinx informs us that Belgium shall break up: ... en-up.html
I saw the life interview on the tele and what was funny is that the mediator asked her to repeat her remark, but she didn't, clearly avoiding to have made a point of no return.
Look, it is very simple. Brussels and Wallonie are best of with the current situation. If we Belgians would undergo the Czechoslovakian solution, I am afraid that the UN would have to use Charleroi and Liège as drop zones for relief goods for Wallonie. :)
Brussels would starve to death because they have no airport. ( Zaventem is in Flanders )

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by chornedsnorkack »

regi wrote:I am afraid that the UN would have to use Charleroi and Liège as drop zones for relief goods for Wallonie. :)
Brussels would starve to death because they have no airport. ( Zaventem is in Flanders )
Not UN. A French deputy is ready to integrate: ... of-Belgium

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

strange article with questions and contradictions:
France should take care of the French native speakers. But where? In France. No annexation by France. But let the French speakers move to France. :o Is this the right explanation of the article?

Secondly , after the split up of the Czechoslovakian republic, the Slovaks didn't let themselves be annexed by another country, neither did the Czechs. Both nationalities are too proud for such a humiliation.

Nope, this statement leaves too many questions and possebilities, loopholes.

By the way: do the Belgian French native speakers realize that in case of annexation, they would have to obey Paris ? The number of political jobs would decrease with at least 90%. No more mocal parliaments. Of all the politicians, maybe a handfull would get a seat in Paris. 2 or 3 seats ?

And gone are the days of Belgian French: proper French would have to be educated at schools.

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by Desert Rat »

regi wrote:
By the way: do the Belgian French native speakers realize that in case of annexation, they would have to obey Paris ? The number of political jobs would decrease with at least 90%. No more mocal parliaments. Of all the politicians, maybe a handfull would get a seat in Paris. 2 or 3 seats ?

And gone are the days of Belgian French: proper French would have to be educated at schools.
We don't talk about annexation, we talk about reunification.

I'm praying everyday to see that day coming....

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

Desert Rat wrote:
regi wrote:
By the way: do the Belgian French native speakers realize that in case of annexation, they would have to obey Paris ? The number of political jobs would decrease with at least 90%. No more mocal parliaments. Of all the politicians, maybe a handfull would get a seat in Paris. 2 or 3 seats ?

And gone are the days of Belgian French: proper French would have to be educated at schools.
We don't talk about annexation, we talk about reunification.

I'm praying everyday to see that day coming....
Has Wallonie ever been an entity that has been seperated from France?
A small look at the history of Liège shows us that it has been a prince-bishopric ( 985 -1794 ) during which time it was a part of the Holy Roman Empire - read: today's Germany - not France.
Liège was conquered by the French in 1794 and the occupation lasted just untill 1815 with the disappearance of Napoleon. Liège was made part of the Netherlands, but that situation lasted just 15 years untill the creation of Belgium in 1830.
So, talking about reunification, the question is with which state. Germany ( together with the German speaking East-Kantons ) ? Historically most correct, isn't ? Or the Netherlands?
But not with France. Liège has nothing to do with that country.
And Hainaut or Henegouwen? if we have a quick look at the history of this part of Wallonie which seems to Flemish as the hard core of Wallon sentiment, we see that it belonged for centuries to the influence sphere of Bavaria- Germany. And it was from Hainaut that the spirit came for the unified Netherlands.
The South of today's Wallonie has also been part of another former party: Lorraine ( Lotharingen) which was in fact also a tributary towards The Holy Roman Empire.
This is getting really difficult to draw a conclusion. So Hainaut to The Netherlands ( with a corridor through independent Flanders? ) Liège to Germany. The Ardennes and Belgian Luxembourg to the successor of Lorraine: the state Luxembourg. :P
And Namur? Do a fast history check and you will be amazed. It has always been a kind of border area, split between Flanders (!), prince-bishopric of Liège and even the Netherlands. Louis 14th conquered the area, but it was reconquered by the Dutch and transfered to the Habsburg empire. Again a momentum of annexations by the French. But just as Liège it was made a part of the Netherlands after Napoleon his defeat.
So we are ready now: Namur to the Netherlands as well. Brabant and Brussels come back to Flanders where it always has belonged to. And if they don't like it, they can chose for their former masters of the Holy Roman Empire and join Liège as a part of Germany.
It is quite funny to look up some details, you are confronted with hard facts. And if somebody really insists on "reunification" , we Flemish would have to join France. Because the county Flanders ( the western part of today Flanders) was historicaly a tributary to the French crown. I don't think that Bart De Wever can sell this to his electorate. :lol:
I don't know if any of the 4 or 5 people of the Wallon party RWF( Rassemblement Wallonie-France ) read this forum. If they would, and if they understand English, I suggest that they would study the history of their region. Asking for unification ( reunification is impossible because they never belonged to France except of a very short period of occupation ) with France is historically collaboration with a country that has conquered several times their region, but had no legitimate claims on it. :geek: Sounds as high treason.

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by Desert Rat »

Khun Regi,

Everyone writes the history as they want, I know that Walloon's have been under different ruler's in the past this is not new, and some part as you correctly mentionned were even a kind of independant state for centuries (principaute de Liege),,,What I mean, and no offense to the flemish ruling this country, is Wallonia has better chance to survive on his own, or with Bruxelles, or with any country on this planet... than being enslaved by Flander's. Being half flemish (genetically), I went from being a Proud Belgian to supporter of Flander's Independance, I really think you people in the North you deserve it, You are very hard worker, very efficient, multilingual, you have the winning spirit, very very nationalistic, no political corruption, a perfect geographical situation with sea port, and 3 international airport...just do it, everything will be better for you guy's, No kidding I'm really supporting your independance willingness, and everyday more and more people's in the south think the same,

Being expat, I can vote wherever I want, the next time I'm voting, I'll probably vote for Vlaams Belang, LDD or NVA to be sure that they will request Flander's Independance, Make the total of these three and you have more than 50% of the population vote wich is for a Independant Flander's, so where is the problem?

How come is it not done yet, please Khun Regi rewrite a letter to Jambon Bourgeois again and ask them to expedite, Flander's needs to be independant and part of the Europe Regio, The economical and financial crisis took already a big toll of flemish worker's, most of the time because of incompetent Belgian-French ministers, as I read very often on de standaard forum(cf.Opel Antwerp)

When you see us in the south or in Bruxelles, we are just a bunch of looser surviving on the unemployement benefit, voting communist, and sipping Jupiler the all day long...the good thing is that we can enjoy the life without working at all, there's always a flemish wich is working for our unemployement benefit.

Independant Flander's ...count me in...

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by regi »

The worst that could happen to the profiteering maffia ( I mean the leaders, not the normal folks ) from Brussels and Wallonie is that we go back to a non-federal state. Meaning: 1 central government, no money transfers, no seperate legislations etcetera. So become a normal country again. ( and many Flemish politicians who tasted from the honey pot would also object )
The 50% unemployed Brusselians would have to report for work duty 10 km further in Dutch speaking territory. Which would be a good thing: get those people at work ( again?), make them proud to be a good citizen, an example for the family.
Language: Dutch is the first language to be spoken. Than French, than Turkish and/or Arab and only than German. ( I am not sure about Italian and Spanish )
Aviation ? : 1 legislation about noise. Oops, unhappy people in the Brussels area can not more rely on their politicians. And Wiloo is suspended as a danger for national security. :P

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by Desert Rat »

I really think Republiek van vlaanderen is a better option for everybody.

you keep the F16's in KB, the navy and the Sykorsky...

We take the C130's/A400M,A333,Embraer and the F16's in Florennes.



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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by jan_olieslagers »

You want the "white planes" of the 15W, than you have to take and FEED and PAY their principal users too... };-)

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Re: Last election of Belgium

Post by Desert Rat »

jan_olieslagers wrote:You want the "white planes" of the 15W, than you have to take and FEED and PAY their principal users too... };-)
Hmmm, my bad... you can keep them then,,,;-)))...

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