Contrail spotting rules

Planespotting in the upper atmosphere! All pictures, reports or whatever question about upper level traffic come here

Moderator: Plane spotting team

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Posts: 1998
Joined: 13 Apr 2003, 00:00
Location: Near 25R/EBBR

Contrail spotting rules

Post by Skystef »

Dear spotters,

we felt that a new category in the planespotting forum could be usefull to fill a gap for spotters of upper level air traffic. The contrail spotting category should be used for all spotting reports that are not directly related to an airport, meaning all questions or reports of traffic in the upper levels can be grouped in this section. The altitude on which the upper level starts is arbitrary chosen. Of course an aircraft with a contrail belongs undoubtly to this section, but a contrail is just a matter of amount of moist and this may vary in height during the different seasons. Let's say that movements around FL100 (10.000 ft) and everthing above falls in this section.

Each month a new topic will be created to log the (pictorial) reports of that particular month in which any question on a sighting can be posed. With the rising amount of SBS users, most questions should find quickly an answer (at least for the Benelux area). All other questions, facts or discussions may be posed outside these topics.

Happy spotting hours.

The Spotters Forum Moderators.
