Moderato PLEASE !!!

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Moderato PLEASE !!!

Post by sn26567 »

I leave Belgium for two days to Germany for a business meeting, in the middle of beautiful Black Forest with no Internet access.

When I return to Belgium, 365 new messages on the Luchtzak forum, one for every day of the year.

I cannot follow anymore.

Stop posting messages for nothing, like "nice pic", "thx", "me too", etc.

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Post by Comet »

Welcome back Andre :D - or is that wrong as well???
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Post by meerkat »


With 1480 posts under your belt since February I suggest that you may also be part of the problem!!!

I do agree that posts should be relevant - much I read is often uninformed speculation and is in danger of being treated as fact. It is all too easy to fire off a reply when really you have nothing to say. However everyone needs a voice and this is a great place to have your say.

I guess that I shall go back to making my requests for reg's on the Belspot e-mail list so as to not clog up the system.


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Post by Comet »

Meerkat - you have to agree that 365 messages in only two days is a hell of alot of posts!

OK, I've made plenty of posts since I joined, but I wouldn't be too pleased if someone described my stuff as irrelevant rubbish (compared to a certain other thread which was removed at the weekend, that was serious rubbish!!)

If you want to accuse people of making useless posts, then I would say you're pointing the finger at the wrong person by implying that Andre is guilty of posting crap.
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Post by sn26567 »

meerkat wrote:With 1480 posts under your belt since February I suggest that you may also be part of the problem!!!
True, but sometimes I react in the same way as those who clog up the system in order to show what they should not do. That might be the wrong method.
meerkat wrote:I guess that I shall go back to making my requests for reg's on the Belspot e-mail list so as to not clog up the system.
No please, don't! I am also interested in the responses to some of your requests.
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Post by meerkat »


I was not having a go at Andre, omly re-emphasising his point and mirroring his frustation!

Andre is one of the good guys!


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Post by Zorba »

Andre is one of the good guys!
I think we all are good people (I don't want to say guys, or else Comet get angry :lol: )

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Re: Moderato PLEASE !!!

Post by Avro »

sn26567 wrote:I leave Belgium for two days to Germany for a business meeting, in the middle of beautiful Black Forest with no Internet access.

When I return to Belgium, 365 new messages on the Luchtzak forum, one for every day of the year.

I cannot follow anymore.

Stop posting messages for nothing, like "nice pic", "thx", "me too", etc.

First of all, I just want to be polite and to thank people when they answer my question :!: :wink:

Secondly I'll try to reduce the number of (unusefull) posts if you want :wink: even though I don't think I post that much rubbish (I hope so :? )

Finally, don't go André :cry:


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Post by 777 »

The danger of selection is that it might lead to 'censorship', and that we do not like very much.


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Post by Sabena_690 »

Difficult situation...

Honnestly, I have to admit I am in the same situation as you, André. Now that school restarted, I don't have the time anymore to read all the now 94 new messages.

I try to read as much as possible of them, but I have to admit that I scroll quite quickly through some topics.

Luckily the quality of the postings is very high, it is exceptionally that I have to delete a posting due to bad behaviour/irrelevant or whatever. Otherwise we would need a second forum moderator.

Above all this, I now also made promotion onto, I became a part of the database-editors crew. Of course luchtzak gets priority (first luchtzak, than corrections).

I will discuss this with Bart when he is back on the internet. The problem is that taking measures in a situation like this is very difficult.

Can we shift in the aviation related topics? No. In the luchtzak pub than? Maybe lies the solution there...

If anybody has tips how to handle this situation, feel free to post them here or send a private message to me. Or you can also email me, email adress is listed below.

Meerkat: please keep on posting your requests over here, this kind of topics makes luchtzak interesting!

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Post by BBKing »

The (dis)advantage of a forum as this one is that everybody who wants so can post messages.

And everybody can post wathever message he/she wants, as long as the message has something to do with (in this case) aviation.

I think it would be a wrong decision to start making a selection in the messages before they are posted.

Moreover one can wonder if that would be technically possible, and what the criteria would be to permit a certain message, but to delete another one ....

Off course nobody has to read everything. Actually I make a selection in the items I read.

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Post by gliding-glider »

Jezus Jezus, ........ starting argueing about futilities.

I thought that a forum was ment to give opinions and open for any comments. Even just a word of .. thanks .. nice pic .. etc is nice. Don't forget that some people do their utmost to have something posted and their item(s) being appreciated by other members being of course appreciated by the poster themselves.

I fear that if the ,, Luchtzak ,, forum is to become ...... stick to the item ..... lot of members will just prefer to refer and to become dedicated to other forums on which such answers/replies/topics are appreciated.

Propose Bart ,, cut the knot ,, keeping in mind the meaning of a forum.


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Post by luchtzak »

Hi all,

I am just surfing around a little bit on now because I am working 14 hours per day in my new house. But this topic came to my attention...

As the dikke Van Dale ( states a forum is:

1 bijeenkomst waarop deskundigen na een inleiding met het publiek discussiëren
2 groep deskundigen die vragen van een publiek beantwoorden
3 [gesch.] plein in Rome waar het volk bijeenkwam om de algemene zaken te bespreken, recht te doen enz.

or in English:

1 meeting where professionals discuss with the audience after a short intro
2 a group of professionals who answer questions from the audience
3 a square in Rome where people met each other to discuss important items

I would like to accentuate the latest item: this forum is dedicated to aviation and the entire entourage. If a discussion is not a 'hot' item or interesting no-one will reply on it and will lower itself in the list... but if you see a topic with an interesting title and allready many views you will automatically get interested in the message and maybe you want to reply to that...

I remember one year ago that this forum was dull and boring with only 1 message each week, nowadays this forum is one of the best in Belgian aviation and is spreading around in Europe, the U.S. and even Africa and Asia (thanks Fons). And as allready a lot of people said on the website that mostly all topics where interesting and of high-content.

I know that it takes about 1 hour to watch all messages but maybe you can eliminate the topics that you don't like or that you don't feel necessary to reply to yet. I would like to read all messages but I really don't see a start to reading 299 messages. I will just browse around a look for interesting stuff.

Let's go back to the 3th item in the explanation of a 'Forum' and keep this forum a gathering-point of aviation lovers who keep saying their opinions and who closely monitor others opinion. Let's keep the fun!

ciao to you all!!


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Post by Sabena_690 »

I have to say I agree with you Bart...

That's what I am doing right now. For example 'do you have pets': I skip this type of topics since I don't find them relevant (but that is only personnel, feel free to post into them).

I'm here for aviation, and I will read the aviation topics ofcourse.

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Post by EB-Air »

luchtzak wrote:Let's go back to the 3th item in the explanation of a 'Forum' and keep this forum a gathering-point of aviation lovers who keep saying their opinions and who closely monitor others opinion. Let's keep the fun!
Well said Bart! :thumbsup:
I'm not reading everything here, just because time is to short, I just browse around, and click on the items that do interest me (good titles are imortant :!: ), and as Bart said, those with a lot of reaction of you all are also drawing my attention... Remember: it's better to have to much messages over here, than no messages at all...

André, don't consider this as bashing at you, sometimes I'm thinking the same as you, therefore this thread was a good thing for a reflection, and I've changed my mind... :roll: Keep on going with your nice threads!!


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Post by sn26567 »

Well, after reading all these comments, I feel a little embarassed to have started this discussion. I am in part responsible for the flood of messages.

As Bart said, 6 months ago, the forum was dull, little attended. Its access was not easy: you had to go down the left column to find it. Than I made a suggestion ( to ease its access: that's when the flow of messages started to become a flood today.

Please understand me: I am not aiming at anyone in the forum. We are all aviation enthusiasts and try to communicate our opinions to other enthusiasts. This is the nice thing about this forum. Maybe I over-reacted (under te pressure of 365 messages I didn't have the time to read) and I apologise to those who might have felt under attack.

But please continue posting interesting messages (and try avoiding messages that do not give any added value...).
Last edited by sn26567 on 25 Sep 2003, 09:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Comet »

Sabena_690 wrote:I have to say I agree with you Bart...

That's what I am doing right now. For example 'do you have pets': I skip this type of topics since I don't find them relevant (but that is only personnel, feel free to post into them).

I'm here for aviation, and I will read the aviation topics ofcourse.

Many people disagree with you on the pet topic, it had many views and replies. And what is "Luchtzak Pub" for if not for more light hearted, off-topic things (and the pets question is alot better than a certain other post which went on there the other day!!!)
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Post by sn26567 »

A way to reduce the load on the forum would be to submit the latest news to ... the "latest news" section of Luchtzak. This feature is not enough used, for many reasons:

1) perhaps because the news does not appear fast enough

2) because posting news is more difficult than posting a topic on the forum

3) certainly because any comments that readers cold make are difficult to find and not announced in any part of the website, whereas answering to a topic on the forum is only a click away.

Certainly it would be worth thinking about improving access to the posting of latest news, and in particular improving the access to the comments on the latest news.
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Post by Comet »

People probably don't comment on the news because most of it is excrutiatingly boring!!!
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Post by A318 »

Well now everybody said something I will put my coin in the box also. This is a forum, as simple as that. We are on this forum with how many people, 2000??? 2000 different persons with 2000 different opinions. I can post something that I think is very interesting but that doesn't mean all 2000 of you are jumping on my post since you all like that, right? What I want to say is nothing more then respect my dear friends, respect for eachothers opinion. When I search a whole afternoon for a new picture from a KLM 777 I am happy and also a little proud of myself that I can post this picture on ofcourse it is very nice for me to see comments like "wow, great pic" or "beautiful colors" or whatever else. On those reactions I can see people apreciate my interfering in this forum and gives me more fun to log in every day. Ofcourse I am not asking for a reply on every sentence written in this forum like "yeah you are right" or "no, you are not right" but reactions are welcome. It is not nice when you post something people don't even react. If I want to be on a forum where you almost get ignored I can find my way on some Dutch forums and since I don't want that I am very happy with luchtzak. So my advice to people is see what is new, make your choice of interest on the topics and leave the rest for what it is. Maybe you don't like it but maybe I am totaly happy with it. Have you own opinion and needs but please let other people have there own opinion and needs also!

Amen :wink:

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