Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by sean1982 »

Im afraid jetter is right. Whether or not it is true is irrelevant. People here mention that "a few years ago" they said the same about pedophiles? Sorry to say, but working with nationalities from all over europe, that's not "a few years ago". It is STILL the case.

The dont know the name Marc Dutroux, but they do know the "belgian story" :/

And our politicians playing the:" Wir haben das nicht gewusst"-game is not helping :)

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by airazurxtror »

Ryanair refused to refund 27 Liverpool women their £2,000 flights to Brussels when the city went into lockdown over terror threats.
Maria Doolan, 60, and her friends and family had booked the trip to Belgium to celebrate her birthday this weekend. But the group tried to cancel their trip in the wake of safety fears that saw a state of emergency declared in the capital."Most of these ladies are aged over 60 and are simply too frightened to travel, given the week’s events. There would be armed guards on the street.”
A spokesperson for Ryanair said: “Our flights to and from Brussels are running as normal and our standard flight change terms and conditions apply.” ... l-10521096

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

It s a gang of criminals and cold blooded killers that had s link to a specific quarter in our city. There are thousands more of those in cities like Birmingham, Manchester, and even London... Ring leaders of those who committed 9/11 were connected to a certain mosque in Hamburg, Germany.. The world is getting smaller and crime travels at ease along with tourism and other form of travel.. It is part of the package. Open skies, open borders, contribute to the growth of the travel industry, and can be taken advantage by criminals... The same way they use the same money telephone technology social media... We ban all that? What happened in brussels has happened in almost every major city in the world at one point or another..

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Jetter »

You make it sound as if the link between terror/jihadis and Brussels/Belgium specifically is completely without merit. While I agree it's overstated, you can't deny the fact that Belgium has the highest per capita 'delegation' to ISIS of the Europe. That's not due to open skies or borders, those are ppl born and raised in Belgium.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

So? Try and walk the streets of Caracas! I have been there, and I have been to Guatemala city. I promise you that you are safer in Molenbkeek. Those terrorizing Caracas are born and raised in Caracas. There is a problem, of course, no one is denying that, but please put it in perspective. There is a problem of poverty and lack of chances within a group of people of a specific ethnic background. That problem must be tackled, and in my opinion the only way to do so is by introducing affirmative action (quotas for large companies to introduce an ethnically diverse work force). On the other thousands and thousands of disadvantaged members of that community have no links to crime or gangs or Syria... we are talking about hundreds of individuals who are involved. Poverty and lack of opportunity does not automatically lead to crime! Poor people become criminals, is this the message???? Affirmative action to help ease unemployment in the suburbs and most important of all shutting down money source that feeds those criminals, in Belgium. That is what has to be done immediately, not in 10 years. There is talk, more and more, that most of that money is coming from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Two countries openly supporting terror activities in Syria in order to topple the Assad regime. Our dear compatriots from Molenbeek and elsewhere did not hitch hike to Syria, they were sent there, trained, and told to kill. That cost money, Where is it coming from? No one seems to be talking about that! We have issues, yes, but our country is one of the best to live in, and will remain so, because the vast majority of everyone here is honest, hard working, and law abiding.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by sean1982 »

Just to put things in perspective, one of my colleagues who operated FCO yesterday reported 105! no shows.
That's people who booked, didnt change their flight, but didnt show up

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

That's a lot of No Show.. Probably tickets that could not be changed or refunded..

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Acid-drop »

I see a lot of you are excusing Brussels to be no worse than others.
Sorry but ... you can compare as much as you want, Brussels will remains what it is. And it's not good.
But the problem isn't that, Brussels is not different today than 5 years ago.
What is different is the disastrous, the calamitous communication of the government !
While a security thread exist, you should work hard to reduce it ... in silence, without putting oil on the fire and without showing our country as badgad to the whole world.
I was in the middle east last week and brussels was looping on TV with the army with huge gun (what a joke btw).
People from the other side of the world asking me what the hell is happening there and the answer is ... well ... nothing is happening ... they don't know shit so they block the whole thing just in case and make the country look like a war zone.
Brussels was mentioned many more time than Paris. And although the attack was in Paris, people will remember the fear created in Brussels.
Well done.
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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

No excuses, pointed out the problems. Government policies is another issue. But Brussels remains like any other city in Europe, and remains one of the safest in the world.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by convair »

b720 wrote:It s a gang of criminals and cold blooded killers that had s link to a specific quarter in our city. There are thousands more of those in cities like Birmingham, Manchester, and even London... Ring leaders of those who committed 9/11 were connected to a certain mosque in Hamburg, Germany.. The world is getting smaller and crime travels at ease along with tourism and other form of travel.. It is part of the package. Open skies, open borders, contribute to the growth of the travel industry, and can be taken advantage by criminals... The same way they use the same money telephone technology social media... We ban all that? What happened in brussels has happened in almost every major city in the world at one point or another..
I fully agree...
b720 wrote:So? Try and walk the streets of Caracas! I have been there, and I have been to Guatemala city. I promise you that you are safer in Molenbkeek. Those terrorizing Caracas are born and raised in Caracas. There is a problem, of course, no one is denying that, but please put it in perspective. There is a problem of poverty and lack of chances within a group of people of a specific ethnic background. That problem must be tackled, and in my opinion the only way to do so is by introducing affirmative action (quotas for large companies to introduce an ethnically diverse work force). On the other thousands and thousands of disadvantaged members of that community have no links to crime or gangs or Syria... we are talking about hundreds of individuals who are involved. Poverty and lack of opportunity does not automatically lead to crime! Poor people become criminals, is this the message???? Affirmative action to help ease unemployment in the suburbs and most important of all shutting down money source that feeds those criminals, in Belgium. That is what has to be done immediately, not in 10 years. There is talk, more and more, that most of that money is coming from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Two countries openly supporting terror activities in Syria in order to topple the Assad regime. Our dear compatriots from Molenbeek and elsewhere did not hitch hike to Syria, they were sent there, trained, and told to kill. That cost money, Where is it coming from? No one seems to be talking about that! We have issues, yes, but our country is one of the best to live in, and will remain so, because the vast majority of everyone here is honest, hard working, and law abiding.
You're right; let's put things into perspective and look at the whole picture.

Now, about Brussels and some other areas in Belgium: sure, a lot of mistakes were made, but it's no use crying or complaining about them. We now have to carefully analyse where we failed and take action to remedy the situation.
b720 wrote:No excuses, pointed out the problems. Government policies is another issue. But Brussels remains like any other city in Europe, and remains one of the safest in the world.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by travellover »

Under heat, difficult to size up an impact.
According to the evolution, the impact on BRU and the Brussels area should be restricted or real.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Conti764 »

Jetter wrote:
jan_olieslagers wrote:Yes of course. Fools will always ape fools.
If Brussels being a jihadi hotbed is true or not is irrelevant for the effect on Brussels (and BRU), this is the image that has been painted, and that won't change overnight. True googling 'jihadi hotbed'.


All but 1 top results mentions Brussels as jihadi hotbed, now if this were just the results from the past week or so that wouldn't say much, but these are all time results. Notice how #1 is an Australian site and #2 an Indian site, this image is not limited to Europe. :(
Thank you France, I'd say, for covering up their own incompetence by pointing fingers to a small country which, I must admit, already had some negative reputation due to past happenings and a world record government forming...

And it took the prime minister no less then 2 weeks to react by placing the French in front of a mirror...

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Acid-drop »

And it's a shame he did.
Obviously France was right to highlight the problems.
There are problems on both sides.
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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Conti764 »

Acid-drop wrote:And it's a shame he did.
Obviously France was right to highlight the problems.
There are problems on both sides.
Oh come on... He had all the right to fingerpoint back at France.

France is in a far worse condition then Belgium and Paris is far worse then Brussels. Contrary to what people (like to) believe there are simply no 'no go-areas' in Brussels. Local criminals try to create them from time to time, but nevr succeed. Compared to the Paris banlieus, where police cannot go without being attacked, Brussels is a walk in the park for police..

Where were the French when one of them killed 4 people in the Jewish museum in Brussels?

Accept that killing, planned in France, we only had the Thalys-attack. Since then, no less then two major attacks were executed in Paris and they've had the decapitation of that frenchman by one of his employees...

You consider Paris, being no more then the capital of France, a more important target then Brussels? The latter housing EU- and NATO headquarters? If you think so, I'd say get real... The difference between Belgium and France is our security services are outperforming the French. While they had more terror activities, the only major terror related news item was the killing of two terrorists at Verviers, effectively foiling an attack in advanced stages of planning and one the verge of execution...

Since Paris, the government - having sensible information they for obvious reasons cannot share with everybody - did what it had to do and closed off about every possibility terrorists would have had to do a Paris-style attack. It had been the individual choice of everybody to turn Brussels into a ghost city by not coming. In tour expert vision, what should they have done? Let everything go it's daily routine until someone showed up killing tens of innocent people? What would be Belgiums image after that?

Was the FAA overreacting when it halted all air transportation and closed off their entire airspace after 9/11?

No, Hollande's statements and French media reporting were disgusting. Fabricated to point fingers at another nation to cover up Frances historic incompetence and lack of policy towards these kind of threads... That entire country is in a deplorable state.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

and crime in Kortrijk and other cities bordering France? It is not Belgian criminals robbing people, cars, and breaking into homes in Lille.. The other way around..I know that Geneva for instance is infested with criminals from neighboring France, committing their crimes are running away back to France. Problem became dramatic in Geneva since Switzerland joined Schengen. France has serious serious problems indeed. no one in France is in a position to point fingers at anyone.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Acid-drop »

my god, are you serious there ?
Anyone with issues can't point issues elsewhere ?
Beautiful ostrich-like approach. We all have issues so let's pretend we're even, we have no issues anymore, yeeeeeeyyyy
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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by b720 »

oh yeah dead serious, not saying that we don't have our problems here... but France's not Iceland either... anyways, we all agree that there are issues here and there, and that Brussels is not kabul. That was the main point, besides France (government and press) have no business pointing fingers at us, neglecting to shed the light on their own issues..They are the victims (this time) but does not mean that their society is disease free. Some people here are insinuating that we live in Tora Bora?? Grow up!!!
Concerning BRU and SN, I guess that end of year figures will show the extent of impact on travel to/from, and Through BRU. Let's hope for the best, BRU and SN were doing quite well, hope this will not negate the growth of the previous months.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Conti764 »

Acid-drop wrote:my god, are you serious there ?
Anyone with issues can't point issues elsewhere ?
Beautiful ostrich-like approach. We all have issues so let's pretend we're even, we have no issues anymore, yeeeeeeyyyy
When you have major issues yourself, leading to the deaths of nearly 150 people in less then a year, you ought to work hard to resolve them in stead of fingerpointing to a neighbouring country which indeed has issues of its own, but far from the mess you have to deal with in your own country.
Why was Bryssels so present in the media and not Paris? Because that schmuck of a president evidently led international attention away from its own incompetence to Belgium. Why would it be okay for Hollande to fingerpoint at Belgium, but Michel shouldn't bounce the ball right back? It's time for us to start getting rid of that pathetic bending over attitude and stop taking shit from other countries, none the less a country so f***ked up as France...

By the way, I wonder what makes you such an expert to refer to our policy makers and security services as clowns for their actions in this terror events, or to call the measures taken ridiculous...

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by Acid-drop »

ah because we need to be an expert to have an opinion :)
this is getting better and better :)

Just for the sake of the debate my friend, that's my only joy :)
My messages reflect my personal opinion which may be different than yours. I beleive a forum is made to create a debate so I encourage people to express themselves, the way they want, with the ideas they want. I expect the same understanding in return.

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Re: Impact security situation Brussels & Belgium on BRU

Post by travellover »

b720 wrote:oh yeah dead serious, not saying that we don't have our problems here... but France's not Iceland either... anyways, we all agree that there are issues here and there, and that Brussels is not kabul. That was the main point, besides France (government and press) have no business pointing fingers at us, neglecting to shed the light on their own issues..They are the victims (this time) but does not mean that their society is disease free. Some people here are insinuating that we live in Tora Bora?? Grow up!!!
Concerning BRU and SN, I guess that end of year figures will show the extent of impact on travel to/from, and Through BRU. Let's hope for the best, BRU and SN were doing quite well, hope this will not negate the growth of the previous months.
Conti764 wrote: When you have major issues yourself, leading to the deaths of nearly 150 people in less then a year, you ought to work hard to resolve them in stead of fingerpointing to a neighbouring country which indeed has issues of its own, but far from the mess you have to deal with in your own country.
Let's hope for the best for BRU and SN that are doing well.
Bashing is so counterproductive anyway. From France and everywhere and inside Belgium.
Why not creating "the" european "CIA" ?

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