"Volcano" near KEF

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"Volcano" near KEF

Post by Lux_avi »

This articles needs to be reviewed to meet a very basic level of correct information; https://www.aviation24.be/airports/reyk ... 3F33UgbDNA

1. This type of eruption does not produce ash
2. This is not a volcano, or not yet. It is a fissure eruption
3. The no fly zone you're mentioning only concerns the direct area around the eruption, it does NOT affect commercial aviation

Review your sources, and don't invent things you don't know, please (like crosswind does not affect take-off performance of an Easyjet flight in ACE...).

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Re: "Volcano" near KEF

Post by luchtzak »

From the official website: https://www.isavia.is/en/keflavik-airpo ... c-eruption

Ash forecasts from the Icelandic Met Office and partners was issued and the danger area defined. Further information on the colour codes of the Icelandic Met Office as relates to volcanic dangers for flights can be found at Vedur.is
Due to a volcanic eruption on Reykjanes peninsula, there will be a need for the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management to conduct recurrent flights with experts and scientists to assess the situation. These flights will be given priority over other aircraft operations.

To ensure safety, a specific area will be defined as a danger- or restricted area for conventional aircraft and prohibited area for drones while such scientific flights are conducted. A short time notice can be expected for such areas to be established and the geographical scope and time limit will depend on circumstances each time.

Drone operators are encouraged to monitor notices published on the website of the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management.
Danger – and restricted areas for aircraft other than drones will be published with NOTAM.
Further information can be found in the AIP and on the drone website of the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Additional information about the current situation may be found on the website of the Icelandic Met Office and Civil Protection Department and on social media

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Re: "Volcano" near KEF

Post by Lux_avi »

Your article was meant to worry travelers for no reason. That needed to be corrected, as it is entirely wrong.
Read the official information you've just published correctly.

https://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-vol ... volcanoes/ shows fagradalsfjall in orange (aviation color code) as it doesn't produce ash, just like the two previous eruptions.

https://www.isavia.is/en/corporate/c-pr ... tion/notam -> notam here only mention the area around fagradalsfjall is prohibited to air traffic. This doesn't affect commercial air traffic.

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