Brussels South Charleroi Airport blocked on 24 November


Brussels South Charleroi Airport will be completely closed on Monday, 24 November, due to the general strike in the provinces of Antwerp, Limburg, Hainaut and Luxembourg.

The trade union front FGTB-CSC-CGSLB told the managers of Charleroi Airport (BSCA) it intended to block the site on November 24 on the occasion of the general strike in Hainaut. A significant part of BSCA workers and its subcontractors should be on strike.

The managing director of Charleroi Airport (BSCA) Jean-Jacques Cloquet said Charleroi airport would remain open with adequate staff despite trade unions to take actions on the site the same day. “If the site is blocked, it will be the responsibility of the unions, not ours,” said Jean-Jacques Cloquet.