Member Inquirer comments on Brussels Airlines’ February 2017 passenger figures


In the Brussels Airlines 2017 forum topic, member Inquirer posted some interesting conclusions:

One of the good things of Brussels Airlines being part of the Lufthansa group is that all entities report on the same date and by the same standards; this allows for some valid comparisons between the different airline brands and some interesting conclusions:

1. Brussels Airlines loadfactor for the month of FEB (almost 73%) is hardly lower than the group’s average of 75%. That puts into perspective some of the comments here about their allegedly ‘unsustainably low’ loadfactors we see posted here from time to time.

2. The Eurowings group is growing spectacularly by both organic growth of Eurowings proper, the Air Berlin inclusion AND Brussels Airlines: Brussels Airlines share within this newly formed group can be calculated at 33% based on passenger head count. Quite substantial indeed.

3. On the intercontinental front, their weight is even more important as they seem to represent close to 45% of the Eurowings group’s passenger volume even and are thus an even more important pillar to the new group’s success.

To me, Brussels Airlines is not just doing a great job in posting quite strong numbers once again by itself, it is also proving to be a very significant part of the new hybrid product offer the Lufthansa group is very eager to roll out. Given the importance Lufthansa puts on this market segment, this offers some unique future growth opportunities to their operations and thus the airport of Brussels too.



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