KLM offers “Airsmiles Foundation” a flight above the Netherlands

On 10 October, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines operated a flight above the Netherlands with the ‘Stichting Hoogvliegers’ (Airsmiles Foundation). A total of 53 children and their parents took off from Schiphol for an excursion over the Netherlands in a Boeing 737 (KL9910).
It was special to be part of the crew who had the honour of operating this flight. Although we do see happy faces of satisfied passengers on a regular basis, we don’t often see so many happy and excited children on a single flight as we do during the ‘Airsmiles Flight’. That’s why the crew was more than willing to contribute a half-day’s leave to operate this flight, which meant they were working in their own free time.”
Jeroen van den Berg, KLM captain of the flight
“It’s always heart-warming to see so many happy faces, it confirms that we’re doing things right. It’s really wonderful that our foundation can do this work. But we couldn’t do it without the help of others, of course. We’re very grateful to KLM and their staff for making this flight possible – for the sixth* consecutive year – giving these kids an unforgettable experience.„
Jeroen Engelkes, chairman of the ‘Stichting Hoogvliegers’

The passengers included sixteen children with physical disabilities from the Orion College in Amsterdam and seven children with social-emotional conditions from the Donner School in Barneveld. Most of the other children came from the provinces of Utrecht and South Holland, with special needs ranging from epilepsy and diabetes to Down syndrome. They were scheduled to fly in June, but their flight was cancelled due to poor weather. Today’s flight was a great success. An unforgettable adventure.

Stichting Hoogvliegers

Our foundation provides 6 to 17 year-old children who are incurably ill or have a handicap with the opportunity to experience a special and unforgettable adventure. A day without worries, illness or handicap. A day on which they can emerge themselves and be more than special. A day they will never forget!

*In some years, more than one flight was operated.

Amstelveen, 10 October 2015


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